Lamppost poems poster
Extract from Lamppost poems. Poster design. My reflection is a curved spine of riddles.
Writerz and Scribez
Identity for social impact group Writerz and Scribez.
zipcar vinyl
We almost adorned zipcars across London in these illustrated vinyl cuts. Unused pitch artwork.
Bingham Wedding Brochure
The Bingham’s introductory brochure to their wedding offerings.
Petit Bleu
Identity for a little cafe in London Bridge.
NPL Tennis Club
Poster design for NPL Tennis’ grand opening in London. A red tape event in glorious British sun.
Lamppost Poems
Typesetting for this provoking book of poems. In collaboration with the delightful Writerz & Scribez.
Aviation Connect Identity
Identity for a brave start up in aviation. An online networking site bringing aviation professionals to one place.